Our approach
We were inspired to develop Insight after identifying a perceived gap in the conventional delivery of wellbeing services. Typically, people seek-out specific wellbeing experts (e.g., psychologists, yoga instructors, personal trainers, nutritionists) to address distinct issues or concerns. For example, an individual may see a yoga instructor to gain strength and lose weight linked to low self-confidence and body image issues, and her psychologist for anxiety. However, this approach doesn’t recognise that the underlying issues are not mutually exclusive, and each has the possibility of influencing the other. That is, anxiety can result in unhelpful coping behaviours, such as: avoidance of social settings, reduced movement and over-eating. While minimal movement and exercise, lack of social engagement, and a poor diet can exacerbate feelings of anxiety. In a nutshell, this conventional approach fails to acknowledge the relationship between the mind and the body. Unfortunately, when wellbeing experts operate with different goals, it can undermine treatment efficacy and negatively impact on clients outcomes.
While the research shows that an interdisciplinary approach is the most effective, we rarely see it applied in practice. We believe this is largely in part due to the current health-care framework, which refers patients out to different locations and professionals, making it difficult to organise communication between the different wellbeing experts (generally operating out of different locations and separate organisations).
Specifically, Insight aims to overcome these frequent barriers to best practice and care, by providing interdisciplinary health care services in a central online space. The fundamental difference lies in the collaborative care plans our wellbeing experts develop together with each client to achieve realistic and achievable goals.