About Us
Transforming mental health care
We are a (growing) group of wellbeing experts who provide quality personalised care to our clients. As a wellbeing collective, we not only assist our clients by providing one-on-one talk therapy, but also offer exercise, nutrition, and yoga sessions. We are working towards developing integrated training programs, free resources, live virtual events and an online Insight FB community (coming soon!).
A modern approach
Rather than do things the typical way, we’re planning to create wellbeing training programs that integrate our services. We’re putting our heads together with leading experts in their respective disciplines, and working side by side to generate really engaging, and effective programs, that pull from yoga philosophy, exercise & nutritional sciences, coaching techniques, and psychological concepts, to move you towards improved health, mindfulness, and emotional regulation (work in progress!!). Whether you’re just starting your wellbeing journey, or already well travelled, we will help you find a program, expert, or service that meets your needs.
What is the difference between a Mindset Coach and a Psychologist?
A common misconception about mindset coaching is that it is basically the same as therapy. However, unlike Mindset coaching, therapy is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. It can be helpful by empowering individuals to better manage symptoms and improve functioning (American Psychiatric Society, 2016). Alternatively, mindset coaching is more focused on helping healthy, ambitious people achieve greater success. Mindset coaching is more action-based, and a mindset coach steers the person receiving treatment toward their goals.
How long should I get Mindset Coaching for?
Every person is unique and will benefit from longer or shorter periods of Mindset coaching depending on their individual circumstances and goals. However, coaches typically recommend engaging in at least 6-12 months of coaching. The first quarter is used to develop goals for coaching and to explore an individual’s limiting beliefs and values. The next 3-6 months are used to build skills to overcome those unhelpful thought and behavioural patterns. Thereafter, the coach will work closely with you to trouble-shoot challenges, help you create long lasting changes, and keep you accountable.
How do I prepare for an online nutrition consultation?
Before our first online meeting, you will receive an email from us with a Google form to fill out prior to the first consultation. Don’t worry, this isn’t a test! It will help your nutritionist gather the basic information that she needs to tailor your sessions.
Does healthy eating mean having no social life?
No. Eating healthy will encourage you to be more active and have more energy, and, as a result, you’ll may even feel more social! Here at Insight, we believe that eating healthy means balanced nutrition where there is room to enjoy food in all kinds of situations. We strongly believe in giving you the core strategies and tools to build a new way of seeing food that will stay with you for the rest of your life. With us, you will NOT be counting calories and restricting yourself.
Do you offer an exercise training program?
Yes, we offer an exercise-only package or a combined exercise-and-nutrition package. We can help you decide which package is best for you during the first free online consultation, based on what you would like to achieve and your short- and long-term fitness and nutrition goals.
What can I expect from a private online yoga class?
We’ll start with a consultation to address questions/concerns, discuss any pre-existing conditions, and identify your goals both on and off the mat. Each class will include pranayama (breathwork), asana (physical postures), and meditation/mantra. Classes are intended to meet your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs and goals. For regular practitioners, if there are particular postures, practices, or philosophies that you would like to explore, speak to your teacher so we can deepen your practice.
What do I need in order to practice yoga at home?
You’ll need a yoga mat and enough space to roll it out. You can choose to buy various props (such as a strap, bolster, or block), but some students use items from their homes (pillows and towels can double as a bolster or strap and books can serve as a block). We recommend that you wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing made from a breathable material. If you have Spotify, you can also use one of our playlists to enhance your experience. We will devote a few bonus minutes at the beginning of our first session to troubleshooting technology and getting you comfortably set up.
What if I have an injury?
Before starting or returning to a yoga practice after an injury, please seek clearance from your physician. Then, talk to your teacher about the injury and your limitations… and always, always speak up if you feel pain. In a private yoga class, we can take the time to modify the practice for your specific condition and individual recovery in a way that group classes cannot offer.
I am pregnant. Can I come to your class?
We want you to have the best experience possible in a private class and do not specialize in prenatal yoga at this time, so we recommend that you seek a yoga class specifically for pregnant women. We can connect you with resources and help you find a service that meets your needs! Contact us via email with any questions and we aim to get back to you within 48 hours.
Should I eat before the class?
It is best to allow 2-3 hours between a meal and your yoga practice, so consider your meal times when scheduling a session. Everything from physical postures to meditation is better when your stomach is not full.
How do I get started with a practitioner at Insight?
To start your insight journey, schedule an Initial appointment with one of our wellbeing experts today. In your first session, your practitioner will assist you in clarifying your vision, setting goals for coaching, and creating actionable-steps that will allow you to achieve the results you truly desire!
How does Insight coaching work?
Start with a 1-hour initial consultation/session. During that session, your coach will clarify your vision, set goals for coaching, and create actionable-steps and exercises that you can start right away. After your first session, you can sign up for one of our packages to meet with one of our coaches weekly, fortnightly, or monthly to keep you accountable, help develop positive habits, and move closer towards your aspirations and goals in life, sport, or work.
When to seek out a Psychologist vs. Mindset Coach
The decision to either seek out therapy or mindset coaching is a personal one. So, it might be helpful to first consider what type of issues you are being faced with at the moment.
Although life is rarely without its challenges, there are some that can be overwhelming and difficult to move on from. Are you struggling to move on from a loss, major life change, trauma, or a relationship breakdown? Are you suffering from a mental health disorder? Do you experience ongoing and severe symptoms of stress, anxiety, or depression? If you answered yes to any of these, you might benefit most from beginning your journey with a Psychologist. They have the expert knowledge to help you overcome barriers, and better manage symptoms so you can function better! If you are still unsure, someone at Insight can help you determine which is right for you. Contact us via email with any questions and we aim to get back to you within 48 hours.
If you answered no to all of the questions above and consider yourself to be in a good headspace, then a Mindset Coach may be your best bet! A Mindset coach can help you develop goals, achieve work/life balance, gain clarity on your vision, maintain motivation, and develop insight and strategies to reach your full potential!
Do I need a fully equiped gym in order to use your training program?
No. Our fitness programs are 100% tailored to you and according to the access that you have to fitness equipment. We will make sure that you are getting a variety of exercises to keep you motivated and working toward your goals. That said, if, for example, you are only wanting to do weight training, then it may be a good idea to invest in a pair of dumbbells. We can discuss this during your consultation.